Saturday, June 21, 2014

Zorse: Bangkok: Thailand

Zorse is a lovely cafe' located right behind the Benjasiri park. You can drive through the entrance and exit way of emporium towards the end. Then, you will see the big Zorse statue at the front. You can also take the skytrain to Phrompong Station. Then walk through the Benjasiri park to the back exit. You'll find Zorse on the left handside.

The place is nice and cozy. Easy for you to sit back and relax. Imagine yourself reading a book with a nice coffee on Saturday afternoon. How's nice ! 

The signature dish, Zorse Burger, is highly recommended.

I've had vegan dishes today and it is turn out to be soooo nice ! Vegetarian menu available upon request.

Food: 7.0/10 (Vegetarian)
Drinks: 7.0/10
Desserts: 7.0/10
Ambience: 8.0/10

For more information or asking for directions: Tel. +66(0)2 258 8489

*The review and comments made base on personal perception and preference on 21 June 2014*

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